Divorce Mediation
Divorce Mediation
Family Law Mediation is a divorce mediation service, located in the East Midlands and we offer couples an alternative to court proceedings. Our experienced mediators can help you resolve disputes and reach agreements over finances, property or children’s arrangements.
We provide mediation services on a range of issues arising from divorce, including housing; child arrangements orders/custody/residency agreements; financial settlements and more. We can also offer mediation in person at one of our offices or remotely via TEAMS or Zoom. We can also offer shuttle mediation, so if you do not want to see or hear your ex partner, the mediator will shuttle between you both.
Using our expertise in family law we can create a safe environment for both parties, allowing them to discuss any outstanding issues they may have around their divorce. This creates an atmosphere which fosters open communication and understanding between parties, enabling them to find the best solution for all.
Family Law Mediation is committed to providing a resolution to your divorce which meets both parties’ needs and takes into account any pressures or limitations they may have. Our focus is on reaching an agreement without going through lengthy court proceedings, helping you move forward in the most positive way possible.
If you’re looking or searching for the phrase ‘mediation for divorce near me’ look no further than Family Law Mediation. We offer a comprehensive service tailored to your individual needs, making us the perfect choice when it comes to finding a divorce mediator who can help you reach amicable solutions quickly and effectively. Contact us today if you would like more information about our services. We look forward to hearing from you soon
Why Choose Divorce Mediation?
Divorce mediation offers numerous benefits over traditional litigation, making it an increasingly popular choice for couples seeking amicable separation.
Here are the key advantages of choosing divorce mediation:
- Encourages Cooperation and Communication: Mediation is based on open communication and collaboration. It helps couples communicate effectively, which can be particularly beneficial for both to co-parent children post-divorce.
- Cost-Effective: Family mediation generally costs less than a contested divorce through the courts. The process is shorter, requires fewer legal fees, and minimises the need for multiple court appearances.
- Reduces Stress and Conflict: The non-adversarial nature of divorce mediation is designed to reduce stress and conflict by promoting mutual respect and understanding, rather than pitting spouses against each other.
- Quicker Resolution: The mediation process can often be completed much quicker than traditional litigation, as it avoids the lengthy proceedings and scheduling delays of court cases.
- Customised Agreements: Mediated settlements can address unique family and financial situations more flexibly than the one-size-fits-all approach of court judgments. This customised approach often leads to more satisfactory agreements.
- Better Children Arrangement: The mutual decisions of the parents about child arrangements, and support to fit their family's unique dynamics, often lead to a more favourable outcome for their children.
- Legally Binding and Enforceable: Agreements reached through mediation in divorce can be made legally binding through a consent order which is approved and fully enforceable by the court, giving both parties certainty and security.
We Use Various Methods of Divorce Mediation That Works
We meet each party, individually at first, for up to an hour. This individual session lets you explain what the issues are, what you would like to happen and any concerns you may have. We then put plans together for the joint sessions.
Under some circumstances we may feel it would be beneficial to hold joint sessions from separate rooms. This is called shuttle mediation. Or we may believe that having two mediators would be useful for your case. These options, and others, can be discussed at your first meeting, usually called a MIAM.
The joint mediation sessions usually cover any parenting arrangements first and then we look at finances. We share our knowledge and experience with you as we help you come to an agreement based on what the courts will take into account. We will keep you focused on moving forward and getting to an agreement – not discussing what has happened in the past.
On completion of your mediation about child matters, we can convert any agreement reached about your children into a Parenting Plan or provide you with information on how to convert the Parenting Plan into a child arrangements order through the court.
On completion of your mediation about property and finances, we can provide you with information on how to convert your agreement into a consent order.
Family & Friends
When a friend or family member is going through a divorce or separation you can play an important part in helping them through.
They may be looking to you for advice or opinion, and at times it will be hard not to take sides or get drawn in to the conflict your friend or relative may be experiencing.
Whatever you might think about your friend’s or family member’s ex-partner, remember that they are still the parent of the children who are caught in the middle of things. The best advice you can give is that they contact a local FLM's mediator who will be able to guide your friend or family member through the emotional and practical upheaval that happens when family relationships breakdown.
If your friend or family member asks for your advice, assure them that, with guidance through family mediation, they can and will make the decision that is right for their situation.
You might also want to help find support services that they will be able to access or ask others who have been in a similar situation to recommend professionals whom they have found helpful, respectful and impartial.
Our trained family mediators will be able to help your friend or relative resolve issues like:
- How the children will maintain contact with their parents
- Where the children are going to live
- How the family is going to support themselves financially
- How the children will maintain their schooling, friends and social life
- How the parents will look after themselves so that their children can be supported through the family changes.
More Information
Here is a flow chart which shows the Divorce Mediation Process:
Contact Us
Contact Us
"*" indicates required fields
Family Law Mediation Leicester (Head Office)
First Floor
60 Charles Street
Opening Times
Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm
Weekend appointments are available on request
*We can offer a limited number of pre-arranged mediation sessions outside of office hours subject to agreement and availability. All mediation sessions are held either at our offices or remotely via video conferencing software e.g. Zoom.