Mediation Derby
Family Court
Mediation is not couples counselling. Instead, it is a tool that you can use to come to amicable arrangements with your partner about matters related to children and property, without having to fight through the courts. The goal of mediation is to get both partners to agree in-principle to the terms of the divorce before going to court. It’s about moving forwards, not back.
The courts look favourably on couples who have been through mediation. Because it resolves so many issues ahead of time, it usually means that your divorce application proceeds through the courts more smoothly. It can also help you reduce costs by cutting down or eliminating legal wrangling, lawyer fees and court fees.
At the end of mediation in Derby, you will have two important outcomes: a plan for how you will take care of your children, and a plan for how you will manage your joint property.
Mediation In Derby: A Powerful Tool To Resolve Divorce Conflicts
Divorce is a stressful time for all parties involved. Emotions can run high, and that can make it challenging for you and your partner to move forward productively.
Mediation helps to break this cycle by providing a professional advisor to curate your conversations. You and your partner begin mediation by meeting with your advisor individually and discussing the circumstances of your divorce. Here you will discuss property, finances and children, the length of your marriage, and the reason for separation.
Next, your advisor will invite you and your partner to engage in joint discussions. Sometimes, partners agree to meet in the same room to discuss issues, while other times, they choose “shuttle mediation.” This latter type of mediation is where spouses conduct mediation sessions from separate rooms, with an advisor moving between them, delivering messages. Which form of mediation is best for you is something that you can discuss with your advisor in the initial session.
During these sessions, you will talk through all issues relating to your divorce. The goal is to develop a financial agreement and parenting plan so that you can get a Consent Order and Child Custody Order from the court.
Our mediation in Derby isn’t about assigning blame or punishing either partner. Instead, we gear it towards resolving disputes so that both parties and your children can move on with their lives. Once you mediate with your partner and come to an agreement, you will proceed through the courts more smoothly.
Recommend Our Mediation In Derby To A Friend
If you know somebody who might benefit from divorce mediation, as described above, why not recommend us? We can help them resolve multiple issues, including:
- Where their children will live
- How each parent will look after themselves financially
- Where children will go to school and how they can maintain their social relationships
- How the family as a whole will look after itself financially
- How children will stay in touch with separated parents
All our advice is helpful, respectful and impartial.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. What sets Family Law apart from other Derby mediators?
Q2. What do family mediators do?
Q3. How long does mediation last?
Q4. How many sessions of mediation are needed?
Q5. Is mediation always successful?
Q6. What is the cost of a mediation session?
Contact Us
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Opening Times
Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm
Weekend appointments are available on request
*We can offer a limited number of pre-arranged mediation sessions outside of office hours subject to agreement and availability. All mediation sessions are held either at our offices or remotely via video conferencing software e.g. Zoom.