Family Law Mediation Leicester
Many marriages end in emotionally difficult circumstances with partners going to court to resolve disputes relating to finances, property and custody of children. For many, it is a stressful experience, and they can feel like they are no longer in control of their lives.
With our divorce mediation services in Leicester, however, you can work through issues with your partner before you go to court to reduce conflict. Talk-based services allow both parties to come to terms regarding issues relating to children, finances and property.
Currently, both the government and courts believe that mediation is the best option for couples considering divorce. It makes the experience less stressful, less costly and generally works out best for the children as well.
The goal of family mediation in Leicester is to help you move on from your current situation and get on with the rest of your life, post-marriage. It’s not the same as couples counselling where the focus is on reconciliation. Instead, it is a tool that you can use, with the help of an advisor, to make big decisions about finances, children and other matters.
How Does Mediation In Leicester Work?
What makes mediation so effective? It all comes down to the powerful techniques that we use. At first, sessions take place individually. You’ll spend up to an hour – and sometimes more – talking to an advisor about your situation, fears, worries, finances and other matters.
Once both parties meet with advisors individually, we then arrange for joint sessions where you and your partner can work through issues together. In some cases, you and your partner will be in the same room. In others, you will be in separate rooms and an advisor will go back and forth between you, delivering messages. This approach – called “shuttle mediation” – is incredibly effective for couples prone to arguments.
Throughout the mediation process, we will keep the process moving forward. Our goal is to help you and your partner come to terms, agree on the conditions of the divorce, and get legal resolution.
Upon finishing mediation in Leicester, we will create a Parenting Plan. We can then convert this plan into a legal arrangement via the court, without any need for further legal wrangling. We can also create a finance and property plan which you can then use to apply for a Consent Order – a legal document that bars any future financial claims by either spouse.
Recommend Us To Family And Friends
Do you know a family or friend in Leicester who is going through a challenging divorce? If so, you might want to recommend that they use our services.
Tell them how mediation will benefit both them and their children. For instance, our services can help children stay in contact with both parents, decide where children will live, and figure out how the family will support themselves financially. They also discuss how parents will care for themselves so that children are fully supported throughout the process as well as their children’s friends and school life.
Family Law Mediation Leicester (Head Office)
First Floor
60 Charles Street
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Family Law Mediation Leicester (Head Office)
First Floor
60 Charles Street
Opening Times
Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm
Weekend appointments are available on request
*We can offer a limited number of pre-arranged mediation sessions outside of office hours subject to agreement and availability. All mediation sessions are held either at our offices or remotely via video conferencing software e.g. Zoom.